Long/Short Equities

Regal Australian Small Companies Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Annualised return since inception2


Annualised alpha since inception5



February 2015

The Regal Australian Small Companies Fund aims to materially outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index net of fees over a rolling five-year period, utilising a 150/150 long/short investment approach with a primary focus on listed equities in Australia, typically outside the ASX 100.

Since inception in 2015, the Fund has consistently ranked within the top performing Small Companies Funds in the Mercer peer group.

The Fund is open to applications and redemptions daily and is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors3

Regal Australian Long Short Equity Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Annualised return since inception2


Annualised alpha since inception5



August 2009

Performance, unit prices and inception dates reflect the Australian wholesale unit trust 

The Regal Australian Long Short Equity Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index net of fees over a rolling five-year basis, utilising a long/short, active extension investment approach in listed equities in Australia.

The Fund uses a 130/30 style and applies Regal’s fundamental investment process.

The Fund is open to applications and redemptions daily and is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors3

Regal Resources Long Short Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Annualised return since inception2



November 2021

Performance, unit prices and inception dates reflect the Australian unit trust

The Regal Resources Long Short Fund seeks to generate strong risk-adjusted absolute returns over the medium to long term irrespective of underlying equity market movements.

The Fund seeks to benefit from the significant opportunities for value creation within the mining sector, while mitigating exposure to cyclical selloffs by generally running a low net market exposure.

The Fund is closed to new applications and offers redemptions monthly. It is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

The strategy can be accessed via an Australian unit trust or a USD Cayman vehicle.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors3

Regal Resources High Conviction Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Return since inception6



December 2023

The Regal Resources High Conviction Fund is a fundamentally driven long/short resources strategy, which aims to deliver strong absolute returns over a medium to long term investment horizon.

The Fund is built on our belief that the resources sector is set to outperform in the years ahead with numerous structural drivers contributing to looming deficits across a range of commodities, including those essential for decarbonisation. The Fund seeks to take advantage of volatility across the resources and commodity complex, concentrating on Regal’s best long term high conviction long / short ideas.

The Fund is open to applications and redemptions monthly and is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

The strategy can be accessed via an Australian unit trust.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors 3


Regal Tactical Opportunities Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Annualised return since inception2



July 2020

The Regal Tactical Opportunities Fund seeks to generate absolute returns by identifying pricing inefficiencies in global markets.

The Fund’s strategy is grounded in the belief that while global capital markets are largely efficient, pricing anomalies can exist over the short to medium term as a result of external events or situations. The Fund seeks to identify and exploit these pricing inefficiencies, with an aim to generate consistent, positive absolute returns, regardless of movements in underlying markets.

The Fund utilises systematic, discretionary and tactical investment strategies primarily focused on global equity markets and futures. The Fund may also selectively invest in private and public credit opportunities.

The Fund is open to applications and redemptions monthly and is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors3

Regal Atlantic Absolute Return Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Annualised return since inception2



March 2004

Performance, unit prices and inception dates reflect the Australian unit trust

The Regal Atlantic Absolute Return Fund aims to achieve high levels of absolute returns by pursuing an aggressive investment approach with an elevated level of risk.  

The Fund utilises a long/short strategy and is able to vary its exposure to markets and sectors over time, though will generally have a significant positive exposure to markets over the cycle.  It is managed using Regal’s fundamental investment process with the majority of companies listed in Australia and other Asian markets. The Fund may also have exposure to emerging markets. 

The Fund is open to applications monthly and redemptions quarterly and is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

The strategy can be accessed via an Australian unit trust or a USD Cayman vehicle.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors3

Regal Tasman Market Neutral Fund

Unit price (mid price)1


Annualised return since inception2



May 2007

Performance, unit prices and inception dates reflect the Australian unit trust

The multi award-winning Regal Market Neutral Strategy invests in Australian and pan-Asian markets with a high-conviction, fundamental long-short approach.

The Fund maintains a low overall net market exposure (typically +/- 30% net exposure) and seeks to generate positive absolute returns over the medium to long term, with limited correlation to underlying equity markets.

The Fund is open to applications and redemptions monthly and is suitable for wholesale and sophisticated investors who have a longer-term investment horizon.

The strategy can be accessed via an Australian unit trust or a USD Cayman vehicle.

Wholesale & sophisticated investors3

1 As at 30 September 2024. Subject to buy/sell spreads

Performance as at 30 September 2024, net of fees. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. All investments carry risk. Please refer to the relevant offering documents for more information.

In Australia, wholesale clients and sophisticated investors are defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and include a person who has a current certificate from a qualified accountant (obtained within the previous two years). Investors in jurisdictions outside Australia should consider the equivalent rules in laws of the country in which they reside. This website is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to subscribe for securities in any Fund. Investors must read the relevant Fund offer document in order to determine if the Fund is available to them.

Retail investors are considered Australian domiciled investors who do not qualify as an eligible wholesale and sophisticated investor.

The benchmark for the Regal Australian Small Companies Fund is the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index, and the benchmark for the Regal Australian Long Short Equity Fund is the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index.

Performance since inception December 2023, not annualised.