ASX-Listed Investments

Regal Investment Fund (ASX:RF1)


June 2019

ASX-listed Regal Investment Fund provides investors with an exposure to a selection of alternative investment strategies managed across Regal, with an objective to produce attractive risk-adjusted absolute returns over a period of more than five years with limited correlation to equity markets.

RF1 is invested across nine alternative investment strategies, covering long/short equities, private markets, water, resources royalties and private credit.

Regal Asian Investments (ASX:RG8)


November 2019

ASX-listed Regal Asian Investments provides investors with access to an actively-managed, concentrated portfolio, comprising long investments and short positions in Asian listed securities and companies with significant exposure to the Asian market.

In June 2022, portfolio management responsibilities transitioned from the VGI Partners investment team to Regal. Utilising a fundamental, bottom-up investment approach, the portfolio leverages Regal’s extensive experience, network and specialist investment team.

1 As at 30 September 2024. Subject to buy/sell spreads

Performance as at 30 September 2024, net of fees. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. All investments carry risk. Please refer to the relevant offering documents for more information.

In Australia, wholesale clients and sophisticated investors are defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and include a person who has a current certificate from a qualified accountant (obtained within the previous two years). Investors in jurisdictions outside Australia should consider the equivalent rules in laws of the country in which they reside. This website is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to subscribe for securities in any Fund. Investors must read the relevant Fund offer document in order to determine if the Fund is available to them.

Retail investors are considered Australian domiciled investors who do not qualify as an eligible wholesale and sophisticated investor.

The benchmark for the Regal Australian Small Companies Fund is the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index, and the benchmark for the Regal Australian Long Short Equity Fund is the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index.

Performance since inception December 2023, not annualised.